Assistive Technology refers to the devices, equipment and services that assist individuals with disabilities to function independently at work, home or school. Our Assistive Technology Department works to develop greater independence with our students by providing adapted equipment that improves their functional capabilities. 1st Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey has a variety of products and equipment that can be used for evaluation and trial.
Adapted Computer Lab
Our adapted computer lab is a great resource for both students and staff. Students use the lab to improve their computer literacy skills, while our therapy departments use the lab to conduct keyboarding class and access groups. Our adapted equipment team uses the lab to evaluate, assess and order equipment for students, based on their needs. The lab has a wide array of switches and interfaces to help students gain access to computers. A variety of input tools are available, including joysticks, touch screens, and alternate keyboards. Software is available that enables students to complete assignments and work on their portfolios. Lab tables are adjustable and wheelchair-accessible.
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Augmenative & Alternative Communication (AAC) includes all forms of communication in addition to verbal speech that are used to convey thoughts, express needs and wants and share ideas. AAC can include gesture, sign language, picture books, communication boards and voice-output devices. AAC systems can range from fairly simple to technologically advanced.
Adaptive Equipment
Whether to assist with walking, riding a bike, driving a power wheelchair or standing and sitting, a wide variety of adaptive equipment to aide your child is available at 1st Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey. We offer the latest equipment from leaders in the rehab community including Invacare, Rifton, Freedom Concepts, Up N’ Go, LiteGait, Kaye, EZ Stand and more.