Adult Residential Program


For more information, please contact Cristian Garcia at (973) 751-0200.


Residential Services

Residential Services

Since 1988, we have provided supports to adults with intellectual and mobility challenges in supervised homes. Through a person-centered approach, the staff provides assistance and fosters independence in the following areas: inter-personal skills, financial management, recreation/leisure activities, vocational interests, transportation, activities of daily living, household management and behavior management.

Currently, 1st Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey provides residential supports to eighteen individuals. Our two group homes and two supervised apartments are located in Essex County. The direct support professionals receive intense levels of training upon hire and no less than quarterly thereafter. In addition, the department has a registered nurse to provide skilled care and to provide medical oversight. 

The residences are licensed annually from the Department of Human Service – Office of Licensing and Inspections. In addition to agency quality assurance checks, the Division of Developmental Disabilities conducts announced and unannounced visits to monitor the quality of supports offered. 

For more information, please contact Cristian Garcia at (973) 751-0200.